Diamond Membership ❤️

What you will get instant access to:

Get Instant Access To These Courses: ​

☑️ Unlock the Genius in You

  • All About Confidence
  • Traits of Confident People
  • How to Overcome Low Self-Esteem?
  • Signs of People With low self-esteem?
  • How to Overcome Sadness?
  • How to Overcome the Fear of Failure?
  • Reason for Procrastination
  • How to Overcome Procrastination
  • Mindfulness Room Challenge

☑️ Unlock the Genius in Your Child

  • Gratitude for Children
  • Mindfulness Activities for Children
  • Goal Setting Techniques for You and Your Child
  • Strategies to Improve Child's Focus
  • 7 Simple Exercises to Improve Child's Focus
  • How to Motivate Children to Study?
  • Strategies to Maintain Concentration and Focus
  • How To Improve Your Child's Reading, Comprehension and Retention
  • How to Encourage Our Kids To Read

☑️ Unlock The Spark in Your Relationship

  • Dysfunctional Communication Patterns in Relationships
  • Different Love Languages in a Relationship
  • Effective Communication Patterns in Relationships

What You Will Get In This Lifetime Membership:

  • Online learning modules
  • Weekly live coaching
  • Weekly live q&a
  • Lifetime community support
  • Shine-a-thon challenge
  • Mindfulness Room Challenge
  • Mindfulness Certificate
  • Shine-a-thon Certificate



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